$gec inu crypto currency meme token logo

All about $GEC Inu

So what is $GEC inu ?

$GEC inu is a meme coin, launched on the Avalanche network.

Launched originally as a pure meme token, that is all about being friendly and fun. It’s a community driven adventure that is a celebration of togetherness and laughter. As you would guess the logo is a gecko and the use of geckos features strongly throughout the website, socials and branding.

See our $GEC inu merch collection here

$GEC started out with a token distribution of 69,420,000,000,000. LP tokens burned and contract ownership renounced..

$GEC inu token address is 0xE8385CECb013561b69bEb63FF59f4d10734881f

Since it’s launch on the 29th December 2023 it’s had an impressive run. It’s become a popular token on the $AVAX network and has gained something that is so important for meme tokens, a community. This is an area that $GEC are looking to build and at the time of writing this, they are due to launch a new NFT collection, from the little previews we’ve seen on social media, they look pretty cool and should do well.

We’ve also seen some very interesting ideas from the $GEC inu team, these have been spoken about on social media and the website also shows utility such as Gecko swap, Gecko bot, Gecko launchpad, gecko inscribe and Gecverse all coming soon, so adding some great utility to the token would be a super interesting move as the narrative for meme tokens to be more than just a meme is certainly a big one.

It's so important nowadays as the meme tokens really help to onboard new people to the crypto space and showing them the utility benefits of a token works. Like we always say “come for the memes, stay for the tech”

It’s very easy to fall into the pump narrative for meme coins, you can see it on social media, in discord servers and telegram chats, with people expecting to buy a coin that immediately does a 1000 x and you get your lambo, but that’s usually when it dumps even quicker than it pumps, you miss the top and you’re left with a bag worth pretty much jack. So there’s a bit of a new trend with the cleverer devs out there looking to build a community and good partnerships around their tokens. $GEC look to be taking that path.

$GEC also has some very interesting partnerships which they title as the Gecko Alliance. There’s some strong partnerships, even at the early stages of this little reptiles life, They do regularly respond to the cries of “wen cex” on telegram especially about how they are focussed on building something more long term, as opposed to rushing to be listed on as many exchanges as possible, in the shortest time frame possible. This makes sense as that usually always sees coins pump hugely and then sell off had. $GEC seem to be focussing on a more steady and sustainable project. Threy have also announced that they are looking to open the Gecko alliance up to some community based projects, which we find particularly interesting.

 Notable partnerships include;

Gotbit IO. Hedge fund/Market makers, who partner with projects in the web 3 space and who state their primary aim is to “generate buy pressure within you market. Founders decide to leverage it for price appreciation or profit generation”. Put in simple terms their main philosophy is to take a project from £1 million to £1 billion Market cap. They have worked some hugely successful projects including $BONK. As well as market making they also focus on CEX partnerships, which if done right usually sees good growth for any token. They are certainly throwing their weight behind a number of newer more promising meme projects on Avalanche and also Solana, so the fact that someone with their experience sees potential can only be positive.

One partnership announcement that seemed to fly under the radar a little, but that I found particularly interesting was with Techflow, who are a Chinese Market Maker who also produce a lit of crypto media and social influence in both China and South East Asia. The reason that I found this particularly interesting is because the Gecko is particularly symbolic in China and the SE Asia area, as it is seen as a good look omen. Cars in the area have a gecko sticker, usually on the bumper, it is believed that around 1/5 of cars and passenger vehicles have a gecko sticker on. Now thinking that China itself has 241.7 million cars, that’s a lot of people who already believe in the symbolism of the gecko. The fact that so many people in an area see the gecko as a symbol of good fortune, would be hugely positive to help with any marketing in an area. We know that people are attracted to meme tokens by the meme, so this could be great for $GEC to be adopted in a huge market for crypto.

At the time of writing this, there was a lot of excitement around the Avalanche Culture Catalyst fund, who had previously announced that they are going to start supporting and importantly buying and holding meme coins. Avalanche founder Emin, also spoke in detail on his podcast about the positive influence that meme tokens have on the space as a whole. They have recently announced the criteria that they will be looking for, to decide which coins they will support and based on the criteria things are looking hopeful for $GEC to be included. The $GEC team seem particularly confident on their socials that they will be part of this. Obviously this is crypto and so nothing is ever certain, but as the number one meme coin on Avax, you would thing this is a match that fits. Indeed on this announcement, $GEC pumped over 29%, even at a time when the market itself was tanking.

So, the future does look good for $GEC and meme coins as a whole.

We are big fans of meme coins, they are the perfect way to bring both new users to crypto, but also to add a little fun and life into existing users and also make some serious money for even the most seasoned DeFi deigns.

You should always DYOR (Do your own. research, so check out the links below for more info on $GEC

Visit the $GEC inu website here

 Follow $GEC inu on X here

 Join the $GEC inu Telegram here

 See the current price and chart on coinmarketcap here

How to buy $GEC inu

Here's some instructions on how to buy $GEC inu meme token.

$GEC is only available on a number of DEX's (decentralised exchanges) our favourite is Trader Joe, via Metamask. 

You would need to have a Metamask wallet already, which you can get here 

Download Metamask for browser / IOS / Android

Then you will need to add an Avalanche Wallet to your Metamask.

You can purchase crypto directly via Metamask, first you will need to purchase some $AVAX, which is the native token to the Avalanche network.

Here's how to do this.

In your Metamask wallet, hit the "Buy" button.

This will open up the available payment options.

We find that Apple Pay is the easiest, but this obviously depends if you have it set up.

You then click "Continue to amount" This will allow you to purchase your $AVAX. You can type the amount that you want to spend in your local currency. 

This will take you to an available option to choose from to process your payment, this can be a payment gateway like Moonpay, Transak or others. Therse can have slightly different rates, so just be sure to check those.

You can choose your payment provider and then proceed.

The different providers have slightly different processes, for example you might need to add your email address and/or verify this with a code.

Once you have gone through these steps, you should have a little pop up saying that your purchase is succesful. It should then appear in your Metamask wallet. It can take. a few minutes, especially if the network is busy.

Sometimes the purchase can take a little longer, so if this is the case, just check your email as they may have sent you an update explaining the delay.

So you should now have $AVAX showing in your Metamask wallet, so now you need to swap this for $COQ. We like to do this on Trader Joe, which is a great dex for Avalanche based tokens. The easiest, best and safest way to do this is by using the browser that is in your Metamask wallet.

To access this, hit the 3 blue bars in the top left hand corner, this will bring up the menu options. Click Browser


On the Browser tab, head to Trader Joe, the link here. Then click Swap.

This will bring up the swap page. You will select AVAX in the From box, add how much you want to swap.

Then select $GEC in the To box and it will show you how much $GEC you will get, based on the current price, like below. You may need to use the contract address to search the token, if you have not already interacted with $GEC, so copy and paste from below into the search box.

$GEC inu token address is 0xE8385CECb013561b69bEb63FF59f4d10734881f3

how to buy $GEC inu crypto meme token on trader Joe

Always remember that you will need to leave some $AVAX in your wallet to cover the gas fees. Gas is the charge that you pay for every transaction on the network. When you are on the Avalanche network, this will be $AVAX. So for example, if you have 1 $AVAX, you will need to swap for example 0.9 $AVAX, to leave some in to pay for the gas. The gas does vary and we'll talk about that in another post.

Hit swap when you're happy to change.

The first time you do this you will have to authorise the use of your $AVAX, this will be charged a gas fee, this is perfectly normal.

Then you can click to actually swap your $AVAX for $GEC.

You will see a pop up saying processing, then shortly after one confirming and then you are now the proud owner of $GEC.

You should see the option to add $GEC to your wallet, this means that you will be able to see your $GEC balance in your Metamask wallet.

If you don't add it, it will still be there, but you it won't show. There's another article here on how to manually add a token to your Metamask wallet.

So, you are now the proud owner of some $GEC, THE meme coin of the Avalanche chain.

There's loads of things to do with your $GEC, with more being added, so check our blog for updates on that.

See a preview of our $GEC inu merchandise collection here


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