Collection: Stop War Clothing - With donation to War Child

Stop war clothing - 20% of all profits donated to War child

We created the Start Raves Not Wars collection as we wanted to send a message. We wanted to try and spread the word that if everyone in the world made an effort to stop starting wars, maybe, just maybe it would make a better place. We know from our own times spent on dancefloors, at raves and festivals that when you are lost in the music, feeling free and happy nothing else matters. You will dance happily with the person next to you, smiling and sharing the moment, no matter what race, colour, or creed you are.

We had an idea that if this feeling of togetherness, of oneness could be bottled and shared, then the world be a better place. Now we know that it is not that simple, but if we could do anything to spread this positive peaceful vibe, then maybe, just maybe it could help.

So, the Start Raves Not Wars collection was born.... But we didn't want to stop there, we wanted to try and do something more, so we had the idea of donating a portion of profits to a charity, but then we were unsure of what charity would be best. We searched and found War Child, it was a charity we had heard of, after a bit of research it seemed perfect. As a parent your kids are THE most important thing and so the decision was pretty much made. We then came across the awesome work that War Child does with the music industry and we were blown away. Their partnerships with things close to our heart like record store day and the amazing "The Right To Dance Scheme". As an initiative that allows underground music to make a difference to children living through war. Our decision was made.

So for every item purchased from the Stop War clothing collection, we will donate 20% of all profits to War child.

Just look for the War Child logo on the page to see eligible products.

Read more about the War Child Music Partnerships here

Read all about War Child here